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Structure Nav

Coilpack's Structure Nav tag provides a structured tree with full access to the channel entry data at each level.


This is a different experience than the original ExpressionEngine tag so please be sure to read the examples carefully.


If you want to display a few levels of your tree it might be simplest and most straightforward to loop over the tag output.

{% for item in exp.structure.nav({
status: 'open|closed',
show_depth: 2,
}) %}
<a href="{{ item.url }}">{{ item.entry.title }}</a>
{% if item.children|length %}
{% for child in item.children %}
<a href="{{ child.url }}">{{ child.entry.title }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}


A good way to display all levels of our navigation tree in Twig is by defining a macro and calling it recursively for all of the children.

{% macro showNav(item) %}
{% import _self as self %}
<a href="{{ item.url }}">{{ item.entry.title }}</a>
{% if item.children|length %}
{% for child in item.children %}
{{ self.showNav(child) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

{% from _self import showNav %}

{% for item in exp.structure.nav({
status: 'open|closed',
show_depth: 2,
}) %}
{{ showNav(item) }}
{% endfor %}


In Blade we can use some PHP code to simplify recursively displaying the navigation tree.

'status' => 'open|closed',
'show_depth' => 2,
])->render(function($item, $children, $depth) {
return implode('', [
'<a href="'.$item['url'].'">'.$item['entry']['title'].'</a>',
$children ? '<ul>'.$children.'</ul>' : '',



Start From

Full URI used to indicate where to begin revealing children.

start_from: "/some-url"

Strict Start From

Will NOT return a nav if there is no match to your "start_from" parameter. Normally, if there is no match, Structure returns the full nav starting from the base of your website.

strict_start_from: "yes"

Show Depth

Reveals XX levels deep for ALL children pages of the current start_from parameter.

show_depth: 3

Max Depth

Only show up to X levels deep from the current start_from parameter.

max_depth: 4


Restrict pages by status. When prefixed with "not" all entries except those are available.

status: "closed"


Selectively show specific pages from the same level.

include: "1|3|5"


Used to hide any single or multiple user defined entry numbers using the pipe character. All children under a specified ID will be hidden as well.

exclude: "2|4|6"

Show Expired

Allows you to show or not show expired entries within the navigation tree.

show_expired: "yes"

Show Future Entries

Allows you to show or not show future entries within the navigation tree.

show_future_entries: "yes"

Override Hidden State

Show all pages regardless of whether they're set to be hidden from the nav.

override_hidden_state: "yes"

Site URL

Include the absolute site URL in your nav links instead of relative links.

site_url: "yes"