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Coilpack works by bootstrapping ExpressionEngine inside of a Laravel application. This is important to keep in mind when thinking about how a request to your site is handled. The Laravel application handles the request by first checking if it matches a Laravel route. You may see the defined routes for your application by running php artisan route:list. If the request does not match a Laravel route Coilpack will pass it along to ExpressionEngine and it will be routed according to your site's templates and route definitions. Learn more about ExpressionEngine's URL Structure.

Special Routes

Coilpack sets up a few special routes for you:

Asset Handling

Because your ExpressionEngine install does not (and should not) be in Laravel's public folder all requests to assets in your site will end up being routed through Coilpack. This means that your webserver should be configured to send all requests through Laravel's public/index.php if the request does not match a file.


When Coilpack is installed you are automatically given access to new middleware in your Laravel application. Check out the documentation to learn more about Laravel Middleware.

Member with Role

The member_with_role middleware can be used to restrict access to a route unless the member is logged in and belongs to one of the roles specified in the middleware parameters.

Example Usage:

Restricting a route to ExpressionEngine Members with a Super Admin or Admin role.

Route::get('admins', function() {
echo 'hello admins!';

Member with Permission

The member_with_permission middleware is used in a similar way to restrict access to a route unless the member is logged in and has one of the specified permissions.

Example Usage:

Restricting a route to ExpressionEngine Members with permission to search and view profiles.

Route::get('search', function() {
echo 'hello!';

Alternate Registration:

If you wish to register these middleware under different names you can do so in your app/Http/Kernel.php file like so:

protected $routeMiddleware = [
'member_role' => \Expressionengine\Coilpack\Middleware\MemberWithRole::class,
'member_permission' => \Expressionengine\Coilpack\Middleware\MemberWithPermission::class,