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GraphQL is a query language for APIs and can provide some nice benefits over a traditional REST API. Sometimes you only need to access a few fields and in that situation it would be very wasteful to pull an entire dataset. A query in GraphQL lets you specify the pieces of data that you want which greatly reduces the time and bandwidth consumed during a request.

Enabling GraphQL Support

Coilpack ships with the GraphQL integration disabled by default. If you would like to use GraphQL you can add COILPACK_GRAPHQL_ENABLED=true to your Laravel .env file

Securing your GraphQL Endpoint

It is recommended that you secure your GraphQL endpoint in a production environment so authentication is required by default. You can use the command php artisan coilpack:graphql --generate-token to create a token and save it to your .env file. This token should be sent as an authorization header with any requests to the /graphql endpoint like this Authorization: Bearer {COILPACK_GRAPHQL_TOKEN}.


The GraphQL integration's behavior can be configured in the config/coilpack.php.

* Settings to control the behavior of the built-in GraphQL integration
'graphql' => [
* Flag to enable the GraphQL API route at /graphql
'enabled' => env('COILPACK_GRAPHQL_ENABLED', false),

* Flag to enable the Graphiql interactive GraphQL explorer at /graphiql
* Note that in order to use this tool you must also enable graphql above
'graphiql' => env('COILPACK_GRAPHIQL_ENABLED', false),

* Flag to set the 'coilpack' schema as your default schema
'is_default_schema' => true,

* Flag to indicate preference for using GraphQL Union Types
'prefer_union_types' => false,

* Settings to control how requests to the GraphQL API should be authenticated
'auth' => [
* Flag to control whether or not authentication is enabled
'enabled' => env('COILPACK_GRAPHQL_AUTH_ENABLED', true),

* The driver that should be used for authenticating requests
* Supported drivers: 'token'
'driver' => env('COILPACK_GRAPHQL_AUTH_DRIVER', 'token'),

* When using the 'token' driver it will be stored here
'token' => env('COILPACK_GRAPHQL_TOKEN', null),


You can interact with your site's GraphQL endpoints by using the built-in GraphiQL tool at /graphiql. Once GraphQL is enabled this endpoint can be made available by adding COILPACK_GRAPHIQL_ENABLED=true to your Laravel .env file.

Alternatively we recommend using GraphQL Playground or Insomnia to test your queries.

Add-on Developers

If you are developing an Add-on for ExpressionEngine and would like to support GraphQL please refer to our Add-ons documentation.