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Artisan Commands

Laravel comes with a powerful command line interface called Artisan. Coilpack provides additional functionality for Artisan to help you setup and interact with your ExpressionEngine installation.

Available Commands

Setup Coilpack

php artisan coilpack

This command will walk you through connecting ExpressionEngine with your Laravel application.

Manage GraphQL

php artisan coilpack:graphql --generate-token

This command will help secure your GraphQL endpoint by generating a token for the COILPACK_GRAPHQL_TOKEN variable in your environment file.

ExpressionEngine CLI

php artisan eecli

This command serves as a proxy to ExpressionEngine's Command Line Interface. It is necessary to use this proxy if you wish to take advantage of Laravel code (environment/config variables, etc...) within an ExpressionEngine Command.

In most cases you call the ExpressionEngine command in an identical manner just substitute php artisan eecli for php eecli.php. For example you can run an ExpressionEngine update by issuing this command php artisan eecli update.


There are some differences between commands in ExpressionEngine and Laravel. For instance option shortcuts can only be a single letter in Artisan commands where an ExpressionEngine Command does not have this restriction.